Thursday, November 1, 2012

It has Begun!

Nanowrimo officially started at Midnight last night and before I knew it, I was 1400 words into the continuation of Dream Flyer!  My brain and my fingers were flying.  Today, I cannot keep the story and the characters out of my mind!  The other Nano folks here in Reno have been amazing so far and I can't wait to see more of them.  It's inspiring to be around other writers for support and encouragement.  I'm definitely looking forward to writing more.

What's so interesting about this process and what makes it different from what I've done before is that I am not even attempting to write a coherent, flowing narrative.  Knowing me, it will be coherent and flowing because I have a hard time not writing that way.   But I'm not forcing myself down that path.  If I'm having fun with describing a room or a character, then I just go with it.  Can't find quite the perfect word or the right phrasing?  Get something on the page and keep going!  The most important thing is to Keep Writing!

Up until now, I averaged about 1000 words an hour.  Last night, I wrote my first 1400 words in a little over an hour.  And that was with nothing really getting me started.  I set the scene and the characters in my mind and starting typing.  What amazes me is that I didn't feel a pressing need to make things happen.  I spent my first night describing the scene.  There was some dialog as my main character was given a tour of her new surroundings, but the majority of what I wrote was description, and I'm not done with the tour - not even close!

So yeah, a good start!

On a side note, I am veeeeerrrrrryyyyyy sleepy. Going to bed after 1 AM and being woken up at 3:30 (then again at 4:30 and eventually getting up at 6:00) does not make for a very alert day.  All Hail the Mighty Power of Caffeine!

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