Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Ending?

So I just sketched out the big final action sequence of Dream Flyer.

It feels sooooo strange!  For Book 1 of Undead War, I had NO clue how I was going to end it until I was about 3/4 done.  (At the time, I didn't even know there was going to be more than one book).  In Book 2, I knew what was ultimately going to happen, but it was a very vague outline.  For Book 3, it's the same way.  For Dream Flyer, I know exactly what's going to happen and even have snippets of dialog.

This is definitely the most planning I've done for my writing so far.

Now, I know myself.  There will definitely be twists and turns when I actually get there - possibly major alterations even, but it does feel good to have that target sitting there.  I know where I'm headed.  One of the big events even brought tears to my eyes, so I know I'm definitely on the right track.  Don't worry though, no spoilers.

In other news, I met up with some folks from my region for nanowrimo.  Good bunch of people so far (and all ladies... kinda strange).  I can't wait to meet with them again and chat some more.   It's always so inspiring to talk with people who share a love of writing!  Our municipal liaison is enthusiastic, energetic and friendly; in short, she's awesome!

On that note, I'm making it a priority to listen to more Writing Excuses, a podcast by one of my all-time favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson.  He and a few other writers discuss all of their experiences and offer up advice on how to craft good stories.

To wrap this post up, I want to add that I really hope my experience with Nano makes me a better writer overall.  My goal is to be published by a company someday, maybe even one of the big ones.  It's one of the things I really want to focus on when I ultimately retire.

Ahhhh.....  The Future!

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