Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tumblr Time!

Hey All!

I haven'e been active on here lately, and for that, I do apologize.  Between here, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, I'm finding it hard to keep up.  I really need to start linking these places together.  One thing I have started doing that's been fun is writing a Drabble-A-Day on my Tumblr site.  (For those of you who don't spend time around Fan Fiction sites, a "drabble" is a short scene which is not attached to a larger story.)  Rather than send you over there, however, I'll be posting the drabbles here as well.

The first one I did was a scene involving my main character in Star Wars: the Old Republic.  He was a Sith warrior who married a cute little Twi'lek smuggler named Vette.  I always thought their relationship was incredibly cute and thinking about their relationship, this scene was born:


“Vette, have you seen my spare saber hilt?” I had to shout to be heard over the low hum of the engines. The Emperor’s Wrath, indeed. Crawling on the floor of the engine room and squeezing into spaces way too small for someone of my …stature.

“And why would you think I’d have it, oh great and powerful sith lord?” My wife’s voice had a sharp edge to it that I’d come to recognize and dread; the tone that usually preceded a round of scathing remarks. It amazed me that so much passion and fire could be contained in a creature so small and beautiful, but then, that was one of the reasons I married her.

With a hand on her hip, she continued scathingly. ”You think I stole it or something? Maybe I pawned it on our last trip to Nar Shadda. Is that what you think? Maybe your ‘apprentice’ borrowed it or that walking fleabag! Why would I take your stupid saber thingy?”“

I turned to look at her. Even sitting on the floor, I barely had to tilt my head to look into her glittering eyes. ”Actually, my love. I was asking you because the last time I had the ‘saber thingy’, it was attached to my belt. The one that you pulled off of me and threw across the room during our last stop in port; when everyone else had shore leave…”

Her eyes became wide and a dark flush spread across her aqua-colored skin. An almost shy smile slid over her lips and she slid down onto the floor next to me, her lithe form pressing against mine as she wriggled under the metal pipes. Now her voice was soft, playful, and just a bit breathless.

“I’ll help you look.”

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